
Why is Acne Worse during Summer?

Acne Treatment

The last thing you want to consider when trying to look your best in your summer clothing is whether or not your skin is breaking out or looking blemished. Unfortunately, acne becomes more prevalent as temperature increases. The extra oil and sweat the skin produces as a response to a higher temperature typically cause pores to become clogged, leading to seasonal breakouts. In addition, humidity and heat are perfect conditions for the growth of bacteria, which can then become imprisoned in your skin’s blocked pores and cause breakouts. The good news is that you won’t have to waste your summer hiding or to break out.

Steps To Avoid Acne Worse in Summer 

  • Wash your face properly.

Lightweight, gentle cleansers are ideal for the summer because they remove oily buildup without stripping the skin of its natural oils, but the type of cleanser you use relies on your skin type. At the very least, you need to clean your skin before turning it in for the night, but you may also want to do so after working up a sweat. However, excessive washing, especially with harsh soaps, can irritate the face and exacerbate acne in summer.

  • Use oil-free sunscreen and moisturizer.

Sunscreen should be worn year-round, not just during the warmer months. Moisturizers can help restore the moisture your face has lost due to the high temperature. However, many people don’t use sunblock or moisturizer because they think it will make acne worse during summer. Oil-free and lightweight sunblock and moisturizers are much less likely to block pores than heavier products that contain oil, so use these during the summer months. A minimum of 50 SPF protection is recommended when using sunscreen.

  • Prepare an exfoliating skincare routine.

Exfoliating once every 15 days, and more often in the warmer months can help prevent the accumulation of dead skin cells that can lead to clogged pores and acne. Healing time and skin renewal are both sped up by exfoliation. If you suffer from acne in summer, keeping your face clean can help clear acne, but only if you use a product with fine particles and apply it carefully rather than harshly scrubbing it into the skin. Acne can appear anywhere on the body, and exfoliators are explicitly designed for problem regions like the back and chest.

  • Take a shower after working up perspiration.

Whether you’ve been out in the sun or hitting the gym, a quick rinse-off in the bathtub is in order after you sweat heavily. Sweat can clog pores if you let it dry on your face without washing it off. Suppose you don’t have time to hop in the shower immediately; attempt to wipe down any sweaty, acne-prone regions with a damp towel or oil-free cleansing wipes.

  • Take off your sweaty clothes.

Similarly, if you sweat heavily while wearing your clothes, you should change into dry ones as soon as feasible. Keeping on sweaty clothes can clog your pores and lead to acne breakouts on your back, chest, and other regions if you don’t change them. Loose, well-ventilated garments and wicking materials, which remove sweat from the skin, can aid in preventing body acne.

What are the remedies to cure acne?

The best course of therapy for acne in summer can vary from person to person and even from breakout to breakout. Because of this, before starting any acne treatment, it is imperative to consult a professional. A specialist in skin care will fill you in on the causes, treatments, and outcomes of acne.

Multiple treatments exist for acne. These are some of them:

  • Extraction

The doctor may use special tools to carefully remove whiteheads and blackheads to clear the pore and reduce the risk of acne.

  • Light Therapy

Acne can be treated without resorting to drastic measures by using blue light therapy, a non-invasive method of reducing acne-related irritation. Acne sufferers can benefit from using this technique to help cure their condition.

  • High Frequency

A high-frequency device is an electrical tool for regulating the skin’s sebum production and improving blood flow; it can also treat acne and decrease its severity.

  • Laser

Acne can be prevented with the help of laser technology, which uses a particular wavelength (measured in Nanometers) to reach deeper into the skin, where bacteria thrive.

  • Hollywood facial 

A Hollywood facial involves applying activated carbon to the skin and then having laser treatment done. Bacteria can be killed by heating and activating the carbon layer, and dead epidermis cells can be shed.

  • Hydro-microdermabrasion

In addition to removing dead skin cells, this method exfoliates the skin so that an acne-fighting product can penetrate deeper into the skin.

  • Avoid popping your Acne!

No matter what triggered the acne in the first place, it would help if you resisted the urge to squeeze or scratch at them under any circumstances. This may cause irritation, discoloration, and scarring.

If your acne persists despite your best preventative measures, you should see a specialist who can rule out heat and an unhealthy gut as contributing factors.

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