
7 Common Myths about Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Myths about Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Myths about Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Laser hair reduction sounds like a dream come true for every woman out there who has struggled with facial hair and gone through years of painful plucking, threading or waxing. It promises to permanently solve your hair issues and leave you with soft glowing skin.

 Despite its seemingly amazing results, many women hesitate to opt for laser treatments due to fear. Today we will attempt to give you comprehensive information regarding laser hair reduction so you can take an informed decision. Here at Midas Aesthetics, we provide the best laser treatment in Borivali and also provide the solution for laser hair reduction in Borivali.

 Let us start by understanding what exactly is laser removal treatment.

laser treatment

Laser hair removal works by sending the light of a laser through the pigment in the hair. The (light) converts to heat, which damages the hair follicle and hair bulb. It results in the reduction of volume, thickness and density of the hair follicle. This is how the growth of hair is restricted.

 Laser treatments are effective in reducing hair growth over a few sessions and is a very popular way to deal with unwanted hair in sensitive areas like face and neck. It is also used to decrease hair growth on other parts of the body like the feet and hands and underarms.

This treatment is safe for adults in any age group and is suitable for all skin types. The only prerequisite is to have thick dark hair. This treatment is not very effective in lighter and fine hair growth. But since most Indians are blessed with black or dark brown hair, there are high chances that you will qualify for this treatment.

 A laser hair reduction treatment requires 6 to 8 sittings in total.  It will be at least 2-3 weeks after your first sitting that you will start seeing the results. And you will have to be patient till the entire treatment is done. The good news is that once done laser treatment is almost forever. You may need to get ONE sitting done once in a year or two, to take care of any stray growth. But apart from that, this is the most permanent solution available to deal with facial hair. Getting this treatment done will free you from the painful rituals of threading or waxing.

 Laser treatment does not just get rid of unwanted hair growth but also reduces the occurrence of ingrown hair and rewards you with cleaner and smoother skin. Since there will be no need for threading or plucking, there are fewer chances of skin irritation and inflammation too.

 Now let us get to the exciting part and bust some popular myths about Laser Hair Reduction Treatments in Borivali.

Laser hair reduction

  1.  It is excruciatingly painful.

ABSOLUTELY NOT. Yes, laser treatment does involve a little pain and discomfort, but it is momentary and tolerable. The pain is nothing more than what you feel during waxing, maybe even less.

Most laser machines come equipped with a fan that blasts cold air at the point of the laser, hence helping in reducing the heat sensation

  1.  It is outrageously expensive.

Again, we have to say no to this. Yes, it is an advanced technology, but it has also become accessible due to its popularity. And the cost will seem quite reasonable when compared to lifetime expenses of threading and waxing.

  1.  It can induce more hair growth

Well, all the people struggling with hair loss would be running to get laser treatment if this was true. But like we explained earlier laser destroys the hair follicles and reduces growth, not increase it.

  1.  Cheaper laser clinics will give the same results as expensive ones.

This is a misconception. Like with everything else in life, you get what you pay for. The expensive clinics will have not only advanced and better-quality machines but also trained professional staff with experience in the field. These parameters make a lot of difference in the quality of treatment you receive and the results you get from it.

  1.  It exposes you to radiation.

Laser hair removal

Most advanced laser machines emit no radiation. While there is radiation between the light barriers of the laser, it does not exit that space and is in no way harmful to the recipient of the treatment.

  1.  It has side-effects like scarring.

Yes, any laser hair removal treatment carries a small risk of scarring. But the chances of it happening are almost nil, with the use of advanced machines and trained technicians handling the treatment. These factors will be discussed with you at any good treatment Centre before you sign up for the procedure. But apart from this minor risk, there are no other side effects of laser hair removal treatments.

  1.  I can do this treatment on my own with the machines available in the market.

Never try this at home. Yes, there are machines available online, but it is not advisable to use them on your own. Laser hair removal is something that you must get done professionally by trained technicians. It is not safe to attempt this procedure on your own.

 At Midas Aesthetics, we first start with a comprehensive consultation with the client to understand their skin type, hair growth pattern, and their expectations from the treatment before we proceed with the procedure. We take utmost care of the comfort of our clients and have a thorough aftercare plan in place, to make sure you do not face any issues.

 The diode 808nm laser hair removal machine with cool tip technology is one of the best in the market, and we only use this for all hair removal processes. We also have trained and experienced staff who handle these treatments. With both these vital parameters in place, we can guarantee you a painless and complication-free treatment.

Here at Midas Aesthetics, we provide the best laser treatment in Borivali and also provide the solution for laser hair reduction in Borivali.

 We invite you to take advantage of our free consultation and gain first-hand knowledge about laser hair removal.  Our experts will explain the entire process to you, and also clear any doubts that you have. Laser Hair Reduction is one of our most successful treatments, and we promise you it will change your life.

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